October 20, 2024

Should An Adult Attend Ballet Classes In Singapore?

When it comes to ballet dancing, age is just a number. If you remember 2021, there was a Korean drama featured on Netflix about a senior citizen dreaming of learning how to ballet. Despite being 70 years old, he did his best to achieve his dreams. In other words, it is never too late to learn ballet and attend beginner classes for adults. 

Below are some explanations of the reasons why an adult can and should attend ballet classes in Singapore. 

6 Reasons Why An Adult Should Attend Ballet Classes In Singapore

1. Brain Exercise

While ballet dancing does not involve problem-solving, it is still an excellent brain exercise. After all, you will need to remember the choreography steps and make sure you move along with the music playing in the background. 

2. Improve Flexible

As people age, their joint movements become stiff. But you can work on your body’s stiffness if you practise ballet dancing. If done correctly, your stiff muscles and joints will become loose, improving your range of motion. Therefore, always do some stretching once you attend a ballet class in Singapore 

3. Strengthen Stamina

Besides becoming flexible, practising ballet dancing for hours can also help strengthen your stamina. You will no longer have to worry about catching your breath after a short walk in the park. 

4. Fends Off Dementia

Another reason why an adult should join ballet classes in Singapore is that it can help prevent anyone from being forgetful. Memorising the choreography steps helps increase cognitive acuity, which wards off Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.

5. Tone Muscles

When you doballet and attend beginner classes for adults, you can also expect your muscles to become toned. Despite being old, you are less likely to see any sagging on your skin if you do ballet dancing regularly. In other words, you might look younger than your actual age. 

6. Enhance Balance

Since ballet dancing is almost about balancing yourself as you stand on your foot in a tiptoe position, you will eventually enhance your balance. Your balancing skills will improve more as you learn how to balance yourself while turning around. 

Are You Ready To Pursue Ballet Dancing?

If that is the case, contact BalletBody to book a trial ballet class in Singapore! Apart from being in the ballet dancing industry for years, most instructors are former professional ballet dancers, so you can rest assured that you are in good hands.