October 20, 2024

The Benefits of Aesthetic Medicine Procedures

According to experts, aesthetic medicine procedures are used by millions of people worldwide. Most of them are women. After all, they are more careful about their appearance and attractiveness. Such services are professional care for the body’s skin and face, nails, and hair. For this, various preparations, specialized massage, hardware cosmetology, and so on are used. 

These procedures should be carried out by experts in clinics with the best and modern facilities for the procedures. Retens Medical is the best clinic for 香港醫學美容. It offers a full range of medical beauty procedures for the body and face. In the clinic, you can undergo procedures that have a rejuvenating effect. 醫學美容邊間好? Yes. Retens have state of the art facility to ensure your procedure is carried out successfully.

What services does aesthetic medicine offer?

Thanks to aesthetic medicine procedures, various cosmetic defects can be corrected.

They help:

  • preserve the beauty of the skin;
  • prevent age-related changes;
  • to prevent inflammatory processes;
  • get rid of unwanted hair on the face and body;
  • emphasize natural beauty;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

Some of the services you will get in a 醫學美容診所 include:

  • massotherapy;
  • care cosmetology;
  • manual therapy;
  • consultation with a dermatologist;
  • laser epilation;
  • hardware cosmetology;
  • carrying out peelings;
  • installation of mesothreads;
  • genetic testing;
  • injection cosmetology.

Aesthetic medicine: it is not surgery

In the meantime, let’s start by clarifying the terms: aesthetic medicine is minimally or even non-invasive, depending on the treatment. The procedures are done under local anesthesia, as appropriate, but often do not need anesthesia. Recovery is fast or immediate, and more sessions are often needed, close or spaced out in time, to achieve or maintain results.

On the other hand, aesthetic surgery is made up of all those more invasive procedures that generally require longer executive and post-operative times. The results are permanent. Experts resort to the use of tools such as scalpels and prostheses.

The two branches are sometimes complementary, sometimes not. In some cases, for example, for certain breast operations, it is necessary to resort to surgery, sometimes not. The result can be obtained with treatments such as traction threads, which are much less invasive.


Aesthetic medicine has many advantages. First of all, they should include the possibility of correcting cosmetic defects with the help of effective procedures. In this case, any surgical intervention will not be performed. Thanks to such services, you can get a quick and noticeable result.

Aesthetic medicine procedures can be combined. This allows you to achieve better results. At the same time, manipulations are universal. They have few contraindications. Procedures can be performed on different types of skin. Thanks to modern equipment, it is possible to influence only certain areas of the skin and not the whole body at once. In this case, you can wait for a short and easy rehabilitation after any manipulation.

Aesthetic medicine does not exist only for reasons of appearance and fashion. It is a real medical branch that can help the person regain some functions and integrate elements useful to the tissues.

However, if the correction of a wrinkle of expression or too thin lips, in a non-surgical and non-invasive way, helps the patient to feel more confident and at ease, is this not also one of the benefits of aesthetic medicine?